The Impact of Life With Gratitude

(Reflection from 1 Thesalonians 5:18)


the impact power of gratitude
"Image by John Hain from Pixabay"

 “Christian Reflections on Thankfulness”



1 Thesalonians 5:18 (TEV)

be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.


This verse reveals some interesting things about "giving thanks," which are as follows:


  • This is an order from God!
  • This is God's will.
  • Do It In Everything: good or bad



Why is it God's commandment and will for us to always learn to give thanks? Because….


# 1 Complaining Can't Change Anything


The opposite of giving thanks is complaining.


We need to be fully aware that there is nothing positive that comes out of complaining. Only negative things will result from complaining.


Life will become harder because of complaining.



Complaining is a much easier option.


We don't need to learn to complain.  Meanwhile, to be grateful we do need a lot to learn.



What makes us complain often is because we compare ourselves with other people. 

So here are tips for us not to complain easily: don't compare ourselves with other people.


Don't be jealous of only seeing other people's outward circumstances. It is really only what appears on the outside. On the inside, other people aren't necessarily happier than us.



For example: Problem of Life Partner


If you already have a boyfriend or are married, you are grateful that you "sold". There is someone who wants you and love you with promise for bitter or worse. Be grateful for that.


But even if you don't have a boyfriend, or aren't married yet, you can be grateful for that too.


Because in fact many who are married admit to being unhappy. Many people who are too hasty to married and asresult become "wrongly married".  Even regretted why he wanted to get married so quickly.  Be grateful that you still have the opportunity to choose the best life partner.



To give thanks is the commandment and will of God because it actually:


# 2 Bless Us


It's no wonder that giving thanks will bless us, because all of God's commandments and will for us are for our own good.


We can trust that none of God's commands and wills will lead us to suffer loss in the end.


Giving thanks brings out positive things from us and naturally also attracts positive things to us.



For example, when we open a shop with gratitude and choose to keep smiling at the shop's customers; then it is easier for us to make these consumers become regular customers, who will frequently shop at our stores.


I have experienced this myself.



One time I went to a mall just for a lunch appointment with a friend. But because the friend hadn't arrived yet, I decided to take a walk first. When I pass a computer shop, I take a look at what items the shop has. Then the owner who also as shopkeeper just smiled kindly at me, saying good afternoon.


Me, who initially had no intention of buying anything, ended up buying a blank DVD and the case. Then also, during my studies in that city, when there was a computer item that I needed, I always looked for it first in this shop.


Imagine if that day, the shopkeeper was not friendly!



I have another story about a restaurant, where the cook was not very customer friendly. Even angry with customers. Although the food was delicious, many people did not want to go back to eating at the restaurant because of the cook's complaining and unfriendly attitude.


Trust me, it is never wrong to start the day with a warm smile and gratitude.



# 3 Become A Testimony of Our Faith


Because it is God's will to give thanks IN EVERYTHING.


Meaning: whether good things happen, or when bad things happen.


When we give thanks even though the situation is not good, it actually becomes a testimony of faith that we continue to trust God.


We believe that God is good and will always be good.


And because of that, we can continue to give thanks IN EVERYTHING.



Because we all need to be aware that "All Victory Times are always passed by a Period of Struggle".


If you are in a "period of struggle", let's just pass it in peace and light heart. In gratitude, not complaint.



The way to give thanks and stay away from complaints:

Always Choose What is in Our Mind


Philippians 4: 8 (TEV)

In conclusion, my brothers, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.



Read also: Quiet Times (Part 1) – What & Why