The Next Step

The Next Step 

(Reflections from Nehemiah 7: 4-72

the next steps
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

"Christian Reflections on Leadership" 

Often people are too focused on the business of building. Whether it's a physical building, or building a career, or building a relationship. 

And because they are too focused on building it, then they forget or unconsciously forget about for who they are building it from the first place. 

It is important for us to always be aware that the "walls of Jerusalem" that were built under Nehemiah's leadership were for humans to live in them. 

Not just building a wall by humans, but not used for humans. 

Or in popular terms it should be "Walls for humans, and not humans for walls." 

Do not let us build a career, but for the sake of the career itself. Meanwhile the people around us, who build it together with us, become disadvantaged by it. 

Don't let us build a building, but for the sake of pride. Meanwhile, the humans inside didn't even feel awakened. There is only feeling used. 

In an effort to determine the next steps to achieve constructive goals, here is a note of reflection that we can take from Nehemiah 7: 5-72: 

# Realize that Wisdom is from God. 

Nehemiah realized that their problem was not over. After the walls were built to protect Jerusalem from the outside, there were still too few people inside the walls of Jerusalem. 

Nehemiah needed to fill the city of Jerusalem with a larger population. He then pondered this problem. 

He realized that the inhabitants were not non-existent, but were still scattered. Because of this, the residents who were still scattered around the village outside the walls of Jerusalem were gathered. They were been talked to and invited to live together inside of Jerusalem. 

So if everyone wants to move into the city, then the city of Jerusalem will be filled with more and more people and quickly. 

Nehemiah humbly acknowledged that "God gave me a plan" (v. 5). He admitted that the solution to the problems they were facing came from God. 

We always need to note this: 

Humility is what brings wisdom to our hearts because of the grace of God. 

If we become full of oneself or feel arrogant, God will not grant wisdom to continually abound in our hearts and minds. 

# The Importance of Administrative Work 

Many leaders are not too concerned with administrative work, for example the need to collect and to have complete data. 

I personally believe that data is very important. It can be the basis for us to decide on a problem. 

Even data can open our eyes to problems or potential problems that are already exist. 

In Nehemiah's experience, after they collected their data, they found that there were problems among the priests. There were priests who were supposed to be descendants of Aaron, not sure whether they were descendants of Aaron (vv. 63-63). This can happen because they are not recorded in the genealogy. 

So then Nehemiah decided that their legality as priests was temporarily suspended. Including their rights and obligations as priests had to be suspended first. Until there is a solution that can be decided permanently (v.65) 

Here is an important note: 

The problems that are found must be resolved. Not just to complain, or just be a scolding material. Moreover, gossip material. 

# Build Together 

How refreshing it was that from the people who had gathered together they were also moved to contribute to the work of building houses in the city of Jerusalem (vv. 70-72). 

They realize that this work is built for them together and therefore they must move to contribute together as well. 

This kind of awareness can often arise spontaneously, or it can be directed by leaders. Directed by means of speech, or like Nehemiah who had previously set an example. 

Do not expect followers to move first, if especially the leaders do not firstly set an example by doing something that are expected to be done by the followers. 



Also read: Maintaining Afterwards


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