God's Faithfulness and Our Unfaithfulness

God's Faithfulness and Our Unfaithfulness 

(Reflections from Nehemiah 9: 1-37

God's faithfulness vs ours
"HE never leave nor forsake you"

"Christian Reflections on God's Love" 

The Israelites recognized that God was faithful, but it was so easy for humans to change their faithfulness (v. 33).

In Nehemiah 9 they testify that their ancestors were people who were no self-awareness, acted arrogantly, stiffened their necks, and did not obey God’s command (vv. 16-17). 

But they are also grateful that God's love does not depend on human love for Him.

They realize that God's love is very mature, they don't get angry easily and then leave. Even though they really deserve to be thrown away and abandoned. 

This is good news not only for the Israelites of the Old Testament, but also for each of us believers today. 

And let this truth confirm us that: 

# 1 God’s Unfailling Love 

In verse 17 it says like this: 

But you are a God of forgiveness, merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and unfailing in your loyal love. You did not abandon them 


In verse 18 it says that our Lord is the same, "EVEN ..." 

EVEN when they make idols, 

He didn't leave them. Stay with them with the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. Still fulfill their daily needs. Keep teaching them by His Spirit. Keep their life every day. 

How patient and faithful was God to the Israelites. Also to us today. Isn't it still happening today? 

About how can our loyalty to God suddenly wane or weaken? 

Is it because of lust? 
Is it because of our impatience to get what we want immediately? 
Is it because we are busy building our own pride? 
Is it just that we are being stupid? 
Is it because we feel too happy, safe, and comfortable and then forget about God? 

How wonderful is God that He also does not throw away and leave us in these days. 

What a wonder His forgiveness. How long is His patience. How faithful He is to us. 

This truth should make us self-conscious and humble. Melts our deepest hearts and consciousness. 

Makes u really want to learn to love God for real. That is by doing, willing to obey His commandments. 

And if we hear voices that say otherwise, such as: 

We are too shameful, leave God before God throws us away! 
We are too ignorant, still dare to pray to Him! 

Believe that it is not God's voice. 

# 2 Discipline God in His Loyal Love 

God’s loyal love DOES NOT MEAN that God will not punish. 

God's discipline will always begin with warning after warning. 

Is that a subtle warning? Or an immediate stern warning? But God never immediately gave punishment without warning. 

And when we ignore warning after warning, punishment will come to us. 

But God doesn't punish us just for being angry and willing to vent His emotions. He punishes us so that we can be aware of our mistakes and return to Him. 

God disciplines us because of His great love and faithfulness that never breaks. As long as we are willing to repent, God will always restore us. 

Let this truth make us not play with sin more and more, but make us avoid sinning even more. 

Just as a child does not want to make his parents sad because of his bad deeds, so we should not want to make God sad because of our actions. 

Because every parent, when punishing his child, does so in great love and deep sorrow. He doesn't want to punish, but often discipline needs to be exercised. 

For the good of the children themselves. 


Read also: True Spiritual Revival 


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