Dare to Lead 

(Reflection from Nehemiah 5:1-13) 

dare to lead
"Dare to Lead"

"Reflection on Christian Leadership"

One of the characteristics that people wants from the leader are full of compassion and justice. 

But it’s all useless if the leader was not someone who dare to act. 

Learn from Nehemiah, these are the characteristics of Nehemiah, as a brave leader: 

# Dare to be Angry 

Nehemiah was not only angry, but “very angry” (v. 5). 

Not many leaders actually dare to be angry. 

There are also many leaders who just want to be safe. Willing to try to please everyone, and always put on a smiling face. Saying soft and sweet words when hearing a disappointing news. 

But I personally believe that daring to be angry is an important character in a leader. 

But certainly not to get angry with unclear things, or because of trivial things. Not angry just because you feel disrespected by others. Instead, he was angry because he heard the injustice and untruth was going on under his leadership. 

It is the case with Nehemiah. He was angry when he heard that injustice occurred in the midst of efforts to restore the country. He is angry because there is no sense of brotherhood which more so arises in difficult situations. 

Nehemiah was angry that the leaders and wealthy people did not show mercy and compassion in the midst of difficult situations, but sought to benefit themselves. 

But Nehemiah's anger was not careless (v. 6). Nehemiah did not just get angry, then punish those in his power. He thinks slowly, thinks carefully, collects data, makes plans, and implements them in a real way. 

This is the next important point of daring to be angry. Don't just get angry. But makes productive anger. Anger that produces progress and good for all. 

# Dare to Correct Yourself 

Nehemiah was never too proud to make self-correction (v. 11). He realizes that there is also a part that is his fault, although maybe not directly or he himself is not aware of it. 

Sometimes activities or actions that have been carried out for years, or even from generation to generation, are not recognized by a leader as wrong. 

For example: slavery or racism. 

Maybe because the people closest to you have never been taught that it is wrong. Or even it is exhibited and exemplified by those closest to us. 

We may come to think that slavery, or the feel that our race is superior to other races or judge that certain races are inferior to our own, is an act or habit that is "normal". 

Often times we need other people to tell us what's wrong. 

In every leader, a sense of justice and compassion can only be useful if the leader has an open heart and is willing to accept input and even criticism. 

# Dare to Lead Change 

Nehemiah gave us an example that change should start from small things to big things. 

Starting from asking to write off debts, continuing to inviting them to return the money of their brothers, finally to the big problem: to return their land. 

Nehemiah did not just invite or command others, he did it himself. He leads by example (v. 10). 

Nehemiah had the courage to lead the change, which he realized had consequences. That is, he could lose followers. It could be that he loses face if there are people who refuse to follow his invitation or direction (v. 13). 

Yet Nehemiah continued to lead courageously. Even with all the consequences. 

Read also:  Haters Will Always Exist